Flappy Bird – Lavigame.com

Flappy Bird

“Flappy Bird” received widespread acclaim for its addictive gameplay, it also faced criticism for its difficulty level and the frustration it caused among players. In 2014, amidst the game’s skyrocketing popularity, its developer, Dong Nguyen, made the surprising decision to remove the game from app stores, citing concerns about its addictive nature and the attention it was receiving.


“Flappy Bird” is a simple yet addictive mobile game that took the world by storm with its straightforward gameplay and challenging mechanics. Developed by Dong Nguyen and released in 2013, the game became a cultural phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its minimalist design and addictive gameplay.

At its core, “Flappy Bird” is a side-scrolling arcade game where players control a bird avatar by tapping the screen to flap its wings and navigate through a series of obstacles. The goal is to fly as far as possible without crashing into the pipes that block the bird’s path. With each successful pass through a set of pipes, players earn points, and the game becomes progressively more difficult as the speed increases and the gaps between pipes become narrower.

The gameplay in “Flappy Bird” is deceptively simple, yet incredibly challenging. Players must time their taps precisely to keep the bird airborne and maneuver it safely through the openings in the pipes. The controls are intuitive, with a single tap causing the bird to flap its wings and ascend slightly, while gravity pulls it back down if the player doesn’t tap again.